- Install Sentry Plugin: Note that the plugin runs in both the Management Client and the Event Server.
- Install the plugin on Event Server by running the file SentryPluginSetup.exe.
- Install the plugin on a machine with the Management Client by running the file SentryPluginSetup.exe.
- Start the Milestone Management Client and configure the Sentry Server (shown under Servers on left navigation tree).

- Enter Sentry Server Name (user-defined). Used to easily see events in
List.Alarm - Check Enable
- Under Server/Commands/Queues, select Test Connection and click Send.
- Motion Debounce: This value states how long a camera must wait before triggering a second motion event. The default value of 10s works well.
“***” should be displayed briefly followed by a message indicating that the SentryServer is connected.
Ensure that the Server License area contains valid License information. - Sentry Event Generation (default settings should be fine)
- Motion Debounce: This value states how long a camera must wait before triggering a second motion event. The default value of 10s works well.
- Max Frames per Event: In order to improve accuracy, it is best to take more than one frame per motion event for analysis. From our experience, the default value of 3 images works well.
- Set Time Between Frames: When sending multiple frames to Sentry for analysis as specified in
previous setting, this setting determines the time gap before sending the next frame. The default setting of 1s works well.
- Milestone Alarm Display
For troubleshooting, it is sometimes helpful to see what is going on with Sentry Vacant events. Show Picture on Not Found Eventallows users to see the frame associated with a Not Found Event. You can also specify the Pre Event Time which is the amount of time leading up to the motion trigger to store with the motion clip.
- Camera Selection Tab
- Select cameras for use with the Sentry Server.
- The Filter Select function allows the user to select/deselect cameras based on the name of the camera containing the entered text (case sensitive).
For troubleshooting, it is sometimes helpful to see what is going on with Sentry Vacant events. Show Picture on Not Found Eventallows users to see the frame associated with a Not Found Event. You can also specify the Pre Event Time which is the amount of time leading up to the motion trigger to store with the motion clip.
- Camera Selection Tab
- Select cameras for use with the Sentry Server.
- The Filter Select function allows the user to select/deselect cameras based on the name of the camera containing the entered text (case sensitive).