Smart Guarding

With Human Touch and AI Assistance

HOA Housing community Residential

Housing Community

Security for Comercial Properties

Commercial Properties

Security for Car lots

Automotive & Parking Lots

Construction Sites

House of worship

Smart Guarding

With Human Touch and AI Assistance

HOA Housing community Residential

Housing Community

Security for Comercial Properties

Commercial Properties

Security for Car lots

Automotive & Parking lots

Construction Sites

House of worship

Crime deterrence Stories

From our delighted and passionate customers

Your security is our mission, Sentry Team brings in the products and processes that really protect your property in real-time so you can sleep well

Sentry Companion for all your security needs

Solar Guard

Versatile and self-contained security solution utilizing solar power, wireless network, and AI technology to protect outdoor, remote, or temporary locations, and deter crimes in real-time

  • Portable
  • Off-grid operation
  • Quick Deployment

Auto Guard

Tailored solution for your security needs. Our security experts will curate best-in-class hardware, platforms, and monitoring processes for efficient crime real-time deterrence

  • Cost-effective
  • Optimal Guarding
  • Minimum hardware upgrade

Sentry Fusion
Remote Guard

Mighty all-in-one security solution with AI alarms and professional monitoring task force. Keep eyes on unique security use cases for prompt remote deterrence and crime prevention

  • Personalized use cases
  • Dispatch service
  • Ultimate Crime deterrence

Smart Sentry

Take care of your security from Solution to Operation

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Customize solutions based on your specific needs

No two systems are the same. Our solution architects design the system and processes that work for your property

Understand security needs

No two systems are the same. Our solution architects design the system and processes that work for your property

Architect comprehensive solution

Our experienced security expert will curate the selection of hardware/network and design the process that works for your use case

Seamless onboarding and user training

Getting the new solution to work seamlessly in no time

Supervise Installation

Our expert supervises hardware procurement and installation to avoid any blind spots on your property

System setup/custom tuning

Connect and configure all security components to create a coherent communication flow within the security system

Efficient Autonomous Guarding

Empowered by state-of-the-art AI technology to keep your properties secured

Always watching/hearing!

Tirelessly monitor your camera 24/7 to detect intrusion, vehicle, and loitering

AI for detection/recognition

Our patented multi-stage contextual awareness processing to detect and identify people and vehicles

Prompt response from Human in the loop

Security experts review the incident in real-time and escalate it to prevent the crime before it happens

Live view, use judgment, push-to-talk

Efficiently review the event with the customized action guide for each property

Dispatch roaming guard or call the police

Prompt communication to escalate to the next level of deterrence

In-person on-site deterrence in no time

Our Roaming Guard force will be at the site for quick intervention for the critical events

At the site in minutes

Our roaming guard will be on the way as soon as getting the signal from the remote guard

Same actions as an on-site guard!

Full effective deterrence for a fraction of the cost

On-going optimization & tuning

We make sure the system operates efficiently and smoothly

Full transparency, Activity Reports

Real-time health check reports and daily analytic reports to ensure the system is working effectively

Continuous learning and improvement

On-going tuning to adapt to any external changes and AI refinement to optimize the performance of the system

Seamless Integration with legacy systems

Smart Assistant for your Security Team

For Monitoring Team

AI security monitoring on the way - mobile app
Play Video about AI security monitoring on the way - mobile app

For Property Manager/Owner

For Guard

AI for Security Monitoring Insights

Artificial Intelligence
Blue Iris
Case Studies
Eagle Eye Networks
Monitoring Centers
Sentry Team
How Sentry help to identify the thief
Sentry help to burst crime ring
AI Guard
AI privacy
Preview of Tomorrow Social Media Template Uday

Add Intelligence to your security systems today?