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  5. D-Link DCS IP 2330L

D-Link DCS IP 2330L

Set up Camera ID

STEP 1: Login your D-link camera setting at https://www.mydlink.com/entrance and sign in.

STEP 2: Click “Settings” and scroll down to “Advanced settings” option

STEP 3: Click on the ‘Open the Advanced Settings’ button.

Tips: Please note that D-Link works better with Internet Explorer or Apple Safari in case of any issues. Minimize browser screens to find the login and password option as it usually pops up behind the screen of Internet Explorer or Apple Safari.

STEP 4: Name your camera device for recognition by Sentry

Under ‘MAINTENANCE’ tab,

Click ‘Admin’ in the left menu,

      In ‘DEVICE SETTING’ section,

  • IP Camera Name : <Insert your Camera ID sent from Sentry AI welcome email>
  • Check ‘Enable OSD’ and Label : <Insert camera name as you like e.g Backdoor>

Set up connection between D-link & Sentry AI

STEP 5: Configure when to send your camera-generated images for Sentry processing

Under ‘SETUP’ tab,

Click ‘Event Setup’ in the left menu,

      In ‘Server’ section,

  • Add <Sentry-AWS-SES-Setup> and type as below
Server Name:  Sentry-AWS-SES-Setup
Sender email address:  cameras@smarthomesentry.com
Recipient email address:image@smarthomesentry.biz  
Server address:  email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
Password:  AkXgKIhi35PHJvazkofsTsXkVxK3z0eZmnaa1d8tyk6O
Port:  587
Click box:    This server requires a secure connection (StartTLS)
  • Click ‘Test’ and wait until ‘Test OK’ is shown as below
  • Click ‘Save Setting’

STEP 6: Configure what to send to Sentry AI

Under ‘SETUP’ tab,

Click ‘Event Setup’ in the left menu,

      In ‘MEDIA’ section,

  • Add and choose ‘Snapshot’ type <Your media profile>
  • Click ‘Save Setting’

STEP 7: Configure when to send motion triggers to Sentry AI

Under ‘SETUP’ tab,

Click ‘Event Setup’ in the left menu,

      In ‘Event’ section,

  • Add, type <Your event name>, and click ‘Enable this event’
  • Set the rest setting as below and click ‘Save Setting’

STEP 8: Motion Detection Setup 

Under ‘SETUP’ tab,

Click ‘Motion Detection’ in the left menu,

      In ‘Live Video’ section,

  • Check ‘Enable Video Motion’ and set ‘Sensitivity’ to any number greater or equal to 85.
  • Draw the gridded motion area to full screen as below
  • Click ‘Save Setting’

Check the connection

Once you have completed these steps, you should start receiving notifications from Sentry AI. Try moving in front of the camera to test the set up. If you are not receiving Email/Whatsapp alerts, please contact Sentry Support.

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