Prevent Vandalism Attempts at Houses of Worship


A disturbing trend of burglaries targeting houses of worship, including Buddhist temples, has surfaced across various states, with the latest incidents occurring in California. Recently, a Hindu temple in California was raided by  burglars who stole a donation box and vandalized the premises. The management of KB Mandir became concerned about the security of their property and decided to install cameras and a security system. To address their needs, they sought a security consultation from Sentry AI.





The Challenges: Deter Burglary and Vandalism 


As a place of worship, KB Mandir is open and welcoming to everyone, which presents several challenges. One of the main concerns is the potential for strangers to cause unforeseen problems. Statistics show that 30% of security incidents are caused by individuals known to the congregation, while 70% are caused by strangers. These incidents include hate crimes, burglary, and vandalism. KB Mandir aims to protect not only the congregation and staff but also articles of religious and monetary value, such as donation boxes, jewelry, portraits, and sacred idols, from these potential threats.

Why Sentry AI?

  • Provide in-depth Training

Once Sentry AI installs all the systems, Sentry AI provides detailed training to the KB Mandir staff who will be using the system. In addition to providing a well-maintained user guide, Sentry AI offers webinars to explain everything from start to finish and resolves any questions via phone, video call, or remote support whenever needed. The initial training session takes about an hour and covers user registration, overall UX and usage instructions, how to check events through the dashboard, how to handle events when they occur, and customized options for KB Mandir. For example, Sentry AI trains staff on broadcasting messages through speakers in both English and Hindi, as well as adjusting the monitoring schedule according to the worship schedule. This comprehensive training ensures that the KB Mandir manager can quickly and easily adapt to the system.

[Customer Training Material]

Proactive AI-based Self-Monitoring

Sentry AI assessed KB Mandir’s potential security risks through both virtual and on-site visits, leveraging their experience with other temple security solutions they have previously provided. Before the on-site visit, Sentry AI drafted an initial security solution, including a proposal for security camera and speaker placement, using the building’s floor plan and on-site pictures.

During the on-site visit, Sentry AI checked whether all areas were adequately covered by the proposed security cameras and identified any potential challenges. They worked closely with the staff to finalize the installation plan and conducted a trial operation, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

After some initial operation, Sentry AI suggested adding an additional camera to address a specific area, and the decision was made to install it. Sentry AI completed the installation and deployment of all cameras and equipment within two days.

In conclusion, Sentry AI delivered a well-crafted and extensive security solution utilizing advanced AI technologies to promptly identify suspicious activities and unauthorized entries. By employing intelligent algorithms that reduce false alarms, Sentry AI allows security personnel to focus on genuine threats, ensuring effective and dependable protection for your assets. Moreover, Sentry AI tailored a monitoring schedule to meet KB Mandir’s specific requirements, such as temple schedule

[Camera Coverage Initial Plan and Final Plan]

[Customizable Monitoring Schedule]

[CCTVs Overview]

[Customizable Talk-Down Audios]

  • Remote Guarding with AI and Agent

    The monitoring center utilizes the Sentry AI platform to observe and verify events, determining whether they present a security threat. If necessary, they can contact the owner and dispatch assistance. They also have the capability to initiate a talk-down or play other deterrent audio messages. These messages can be customized to the owner’s specifications and recorded in multiple languages. Additionally, monitoring agents can use live push-to-talk features to address specific individuals directly, such as saying, “Man in blue jeans and a white shirt, leave the property.”

The Results

Since installing Sentry AI’s solutions, every security system has been working flawlessly, preventing any burglary or vandalism incidents at KB Mandir. Sentry AI’s system has effectively protected KB Mandir’s property, people, and heritage. If any suspicious activity occurs, Sentry AI’s agents respond promptly, allowing everyone to stay peacefully.

[Sentry AI Real-Time Monitoring User Interface]


About Sentry AI

Sentry AI is a pioneer of AI-powered video analytics solutions for physical security and public safety. They received the prestigious 2022 Marvel Award for Innovation from TMA/SSI. Sentry AI’s actionable insights are trusted by thousands of businesses worldwide across multiple industries including construction companies, auto dealerships and repair shops, parking lots, college and office campuses, and central monitoring stations. For more information, please visit